Friday, April 1, 2011

Diet Problems: Moment that thwart your Diet Program

As hard as any attempt to thin, there's always the unexpected things that make weight again increased. There are certain periods which, if not watch out it will be a moment of commencement of the failure of a diet program.

The days that trigger obesity said the most vulnerable among them as follows, as quoted by CNN on Friday (18/03/2011).

1. VacationOne opportunity that is virtually impossible to pass up a picnic outside the district is exploring the culinary variety in that place. There is always a temptation to eat warm in Yogyakarta, pempek Palembang or just snacking on chips in Padang Balado.

Especially when the holidays, people usually want to totally abandon the daily routine including a diet program. No wonder if after the holidays, many people become even more obese than ever before.

2. Breakup
Inevitably, stress is one major risk factor for obesity. In these conditions, a person is generally more difficult to control appetite and tend to eat heavy meals or sweets such as ice cream, beer and soft drinks.

3. Invitation
Food at weddings is almost nothing bad, everything is sweet and fatty foods. For those who are rarely a good meal, a chance like that often makes it go crazy and not think about calorie content of each type of food eaten.

4. Watching television
Not just watching television, sitting at the computer can load even faster fat person if done while eating. Well just eat snacks and lunch, are equally at risk to gain weight if done in front of the television.

According to research at the University of Bristol, one tends to quickly feel hungry when previous eating while doing other activities, especially in front of the monitor screen. In addition, when one's attention is not focused on the food portions tend to eat more.

5. Eating in restaurants 'All You Can Eat'
Restaurants with all you can eat concept remains the same but the price is generally set tariffs more expensive, so unfortunately if you only take in small portions. In order not to lose, people usually will spit appetite until no longer able to swallow.

And overeating in a time not only burden the metabolic system, but also trigger the accumulation of unused calories in the form of sugar or fat. As a result, sugar levels will increase, so does weight.

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